

Jul 1, 2024

Jul 1, 2024

InvestRoster June Changelog

InvestRoster June Changelog

InvestRoster June Changelog

I’m Ferhan 👋🏻

Welcome to the first update of InvestRoster 🎉

We will report on our general activities related to InvestRoster here every month. This update won't have much information about the product because we believe that the team is stronger than the product. So, let’s start by introducing our team 😎

We have a small but highly effective 7-person team:

  • Ferhan Gül - Product / Growth

  • Pelin Su Arslan - Web Designer / Low-Code Developer

  • Ceren Poyraz - Marketing Manager

  • Burçak Özer - Designer

  • Ekin Güney Okumuş - Product Management Intern

  • Utku Gez - Marketing Management Intern

  • Nur Özkaya - Podcast Producer

For one year, we collaborated with over 50 people on different products and events with Pelin Su Arslan. Finally, we decided that starting this journey with this team would make us more efficient.

Why do we love efficiency so much?

We don’t just love efficiency. As a team, we have three mottos:

Efficiency, accurate information sharing, and honesty 🙂

This is crucial... Within the team, we avoid C-level (fancy) titles unless necessary. Everyone should just do their job the best they can!

Lastly, I have two great pieces of news about InvestRoster 😄

  1. has a new design. Be sure to visit! If you have any feedback, my inbox is always open to you →

  2. We’ve created a Discord community for InvestRoster University. This community aims to help entrepreneurs develop their knowledge and skills, provide networking opportunities, join live broadcasts with experienced entrepreneurs, and offer free resources.

Click here to join our Discord community.

If you've read this far, you must be excited about the conveniences InvestRoster will offer 😁

If you want to be instantly informed about next month's update, you can subscribe 😄

If you have any questions, requests, or feedback about InvestRoster, feel free to reach out to me.

See you next month 👋🏻

Ferhan Gül - InvestRoster Team

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